Hello fellow traveller and welcome
Hello fellow traveller and welcome to my virtual cosy corner.
Kick off your shoes, pull up a comfy chair and I’ll pop the kettle on.
This is a space to ponder, share and explore all manner of creative treasures.
One of the many life-lessons the global pandemic has shown us is a reminder that our time is precious.
To this end, my hope with this blog is that you, fellow traveller, may find something to nourish and sustain you as you follow your own creative explorations.
Thanks for stopping by and choosing to spend part of your time here with me - wishing you well ‘til next time.
All good things,
Dawn x
Studio Muesli
It all begins with an idea.
Why Muesli? I like to think of my studio as a bowl full of random goodness;
chewy bits, nutty bits, nourishing bits and sometimes, the bits that get stuck in your teeth.
The best kind of muesli, like art and life, is homemade; the sort where you get to choose what you add in and, just as importantly, what you leave out.
A seed to get stuck in your teeth and ponder at your leisure -
“is there something creative that brings you joy just for the sake of doing it?”
“is there a tiny adjustment that you could make in your daily routine to allow a tad more space for this creative-joy-making?”
As always, thanks for stopping by and choosing to spend part of your time here with me, wishing you well ‘til next time.
All good things,
Dawn x
Taking a Line for a Walk …
It all begins with an idea.
Sometimes it can be relaxing to just begin with some paper and a mark making tool of choice, no expectations, no preconceived ideas of an outcome.
An intention to simply be in the moment, with your intuition guiding the way, not thoughts, but rather feelings. Trusting in the creative process and staying with each medium until it feels time to choose other materials, new colours, different textures.
No pressure
No stress
Simply exploring and playing with colour, texture, mark-making and following your curiosity.
Staying with this way of creating until it feels complete, done, or at least, done for now.
Sitting back and smiling at the piece - something exists which wasn’t there moments ago - wow!