Studio Muesli

Why Muesli? I like to think of my studio as a bowl full of random goodness;

chewy bits, nutty bits, nourishing bits and sometimes, the bits that get stuck in your teeth.

The best kind of muesli, like art and life, is homemade; the sort where you get to choose what you add in and, just as importantly, what you leave out.

A seed to get stuck in your teeth and ponder at your leisure -

“is there something creative that brings you joy just for the sake of doing it?”


“is there a tiny adjustment that you could make in your daily routine to allow a tad more space for this creative-joy-making?”

As always, thanks for stopping by and choosing to spend part of your time here with me, wishing you well ‘til next time.

All good things,

Dawn x




Taking a Line for a Walk …